Let’s Make Your Teeth Brighter

Shine Bright Like a Diamond!

Shine Bright Like a Diamond!

It has been said that our smile is our best accessory! That holds true but one can also become a little self-conscious to smile due to their yellowish teeth. Your dentist can help brighten that smile by a procedure called teeth whitening or dental bleaching.

Professional teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is an in-office cosmetic dental procedure done by skilled dentists to make the patient’s teeth whiter as much as 8 - 10 times the shade. It is best to have your teeth evaluated by a dentist to ensure best results, health of your teeth and safety of the dental procedure.

What to expect:

First, our dentist will evaluate the existing condition of your teeth and gums. Remember that clean teeth will have the best results, hence professional oral prophylaxis is done prior to the procedure to remove plaque & calcular deposits.

Lip retractors will be used to secure your mouth and a thin film of barrier will be coated on your gums to protect them from the bleaching solution. Once the protective barriers are in place, the bleaching gel will be painted on your teeth and a high-intensity light will be directed on your teeth for 15 - 20 minutes. Usually, the procedure can be repeated to another two to three rounds of application to achieve maximum results.

After Care:

After the dental procedure, our dentist will wipe off the excess material and apply protective gel to decrease the sensitivity of the teeth & gums. It is recommended to avoid certain food and beverages that can stain the teeth after the procedure.

What to avoid after the procedure:

  • Colored beverages such as soft drinks, fruit juice, red wine, coffee and tea
  • Colored & staining food such as soy sauce, food with red sauce and chocolates
  • Smoking - smoking can quickly stain your teeth again!

Remember to see your dentist every 3 to 6 months to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. A brighter smile will gain you ten more years of life, so always show your pearly whites!